
Rider Fares
Category A
$22.50 round trip and $11.25 one way.
Category B
$45.00 round trip and $22.50 one way.
$10.50 round trip and $5.25 one way.
Rider Categories
IVT MedTrans is funded and administered by the Imperial County Transportation Commission and operated by Transdev.
IVT MedTrans is specifically intended to link Imperial Valley and San Diego Counties for non-emergency transportation to access medical facilities , clinics and doctor offices only. Preference is given to those transit dependent persons requiring essential or lifeline medical services, who meet one of the following criteria.
Your trip is NOT confirmed until we receive your payment in full.
Category A
Infants/toddlers and children up to age twentyone (21), with severe disabilities and/or medical conditions.
Individuals who utilize wheelchairs or other mobility equipment and who do not have an adaptive personal vehicle.
Low income persons who do not have access to a personal vehicle.
Persons with chronic conditions, who are no longer permitted to drive.
Veterans with disabilities and chronic medical conditions.
Adults with life threatening chronic and debilitating disease.
Persons with mental/cognitive impairment that affects their ability to drive a vehicle.
Other Transit dependency.
Category B
Individuals who do NOT meet the above minimum criteria will be designated as Category B passengers, service will be provided on a space available basis to medical facilities ONLY, and will pay twice the fare of Category A passengers. Category A passengers will not be displaced by Category B passengers.